Littelfuse setP™溫度傳感器榮獲2020年愛迪生獎金獎
2020年4月2日芝加哥(gē)訊(xùn) - Littelfuse公司 (NASDAQ: LFUS), a global manufacturer of leading technologies in circuit protection, power control, and sensing, today announced its PolySwitch® setP™ series of digital temperature indicators has been named a Gold Award Winner of the 2020 Edison Awards. The Edison Awards, named after Thomas Alva Edison, recognizes and honors the world’s best innovations and innovators. PolySwitch setP device is the first ever electronics component to win an Edison Award.
Today, consumers need safe and fast charging USB connections for their portable devices. Market experts estimate the number of consumer electronics using USB Type-C connectors sold each year will reach 5 billion by 2021, spurring demand for solutions that can protect cables and connectors from overheating damage. The PolySwitch setP sensor offers the smallest, most energy-efficient solution available, making it simpler than ever to protect people and their electronic devices.
Among the nomination entries comprising the best products, services, and businesses in innovation for the year 2020, the Littelfuse PolySwitch setP device was chosen as the winner of the Consumer Electronics and Information Technology category by a panel of more than 3,000 professionals from around the world. The panel includes experts in the fields of product development, design, engineering, science, marketing, and education, including professional organizations representing a wide variety of industries and disciplines.
“After a thorough review, the Edison Awards Judges recognized the Littelfuse PolySwitch setP device as a game-changing innovation standing out among the best new products and services launched in its category,” said Frank Bonafilia, Executive Director of the Edison Awards.
“On behalf of everyone at Littelfuse, we are honored to have earned the Edison Award for our innovation of the PolySwitch setP device,” said Boris Golubovic, Littelfuse Vice President of Marketing and Strategy. “This award is truly special as it recognizes an innovation that helps improve reliability and safety, is invisible to the end user, and yet critical to the application.”
更多(duō)信息請(qǐng)見PolySwitch setP series digital temperature indicator product page。
About the Edison Awards
The Edison Awards is the world's most revered Innovation Award dedicated to recognizing and honoring the best in innovation and innovators since 1987. For more information about the Edison Awards program and winners, visit www.edisonawards.com.
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